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Debunking the Myth: Can O+ People Get HIV? Here's the Truth...

In recent years, a peculiar rumour has surfaced, stirring confusion and misinformation about HIV transmission. The claim, suggesting that individuals with blood type O+ are immune to HIV, has circulated widely across various online platforms. As an advocate for factual accuracy and informed discourse, it's imperative to scrutinise such assertions with a critical lens, delving into scientific evidence to separate fact from fiction. Dissecting the Myth At the heart of this rumour lies the belief that blood type O+ confers immunity against HIV, shielding individuals from potential infection. However, this notion contradicts established medical understanding of HIV transmission mechanisms. HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, does not discriminate based on blood type; rather, it targets specific cells within the immune system, regardless of blood type. The Biological Reality To comprehend the fallacy behind this myth, it's essential to grasp the biology of HIV infection. HIV prima

Climate Change Wreaks Havoc: Dubai Airport Flooding Signals Need for Urgent Climate Action