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How The Government of Kenya is Spying on Your Phone: An Urgent Exposé of State Surveillance

During the recent Gen Z-led protests that shook William Ruto personally and his administration to its very core, many Kenyans found themselves asking a chilling question: How did the police track them down so easily, even in the supposed safety of their homes? Scores of activists and protesters were abducted, many never to be seen again. Suspicion quickly fell on Safaricom and Kenya Power, accused of handing over personal information to a rogue state. But the truth may be even more disturbing—and far simpler than most would imagine... In a revelation that will shock every Kenyan, your private communications—phone calls, texts, and even your physical location—is being monitored without your knowledge. The Kenyan government has been accused of engaging in widespread surveillance of its citizens, using sophisticated tools provided by Israeli cyber-espionage firm Circles. This disturbing information was uncovered in a damning report by Citizen Lab, a digital rights watchdog based at the Un

Sunday Roundup - Betrayal in the City: The Fizzling Out of the #RutoMustGo Movement as Government Infiltrates Popular Uprising. What Next?

In recent months, Kenya has witnessed a dramatic political saga that saw the rise and subsequent decline of the #RutoMustGo movement. This grassroots campaign, primarily driven by Gen Z activists, has captured the world's imagination, but has also faced numerous setbacks, most notably due to the infiltration and manipulation by state apparatus, specifically the National Intelligence Service (NIS).

The Genesis of the Movement
The #RutoMustGo movement emerged as a potent force against President William Ruto's corrupt administration, arising out of the resistance to his dead-in-the-water Finance Bill 2024.
It gained significant traction among the youth, who are disillusioned by rampant corruption, economic mismanagement, and increasing authoritarianism under William Ruto. The movement's demands are clear: the resignation of President Ruto and his entire cabinet.

NIS Infiltration and the Abductions
The initial momentum of the movement was abruptly halted by a series of abductions across the city by unknown masked assailants. Activists such as Billy The Goat and Osama Otero mysteriously disappeared, only to reappear later under suspicious circumstances. The shadowy nature of these "disappearances" sent a chilling message to the movement's supporters.
These actions were reportedly orchestrated by the NIS, seeking to undermine and destabilise the movement in recompense for its very public dressing down by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on national TV and ensuing fallout.

Subsequently, the credibility of the activists was severely damaged, leading to the #OccupyStateHouse protest fizzling out, much like a wet squib.

The Gen Z Rejection and Betrayal
The situation took a turn for the worse when President Ruto extended an "olive branch," inviting the youth to join a government body to chart the way forward.

This offer was met with scepticism and outright rejection by the movement, whose members saw it as a ploy to co-opt and neutralise their efforts. The church, in a Hail Mary move to regain relevance and political favour, eagerly occupied these positions, further alienating the genuine activists.
The final blow came during an X Space event initiated by President Ruto to "address the youth"—who had snubbed his previous overtures and instead summoned him to the platform—which turned out to be a three-hour soliloquy because no engagement was allowed and all microphones remained muted during the entire monologue—where Osama Otero, previously a vocal critic of the administration, appeared as the host.
This was seen as a betrayal of the highest order. Otero's bizarre moderation, reportedly for a "hefty" sum of KSh 1.2 million (only 800,000 less than his Parliamentary jUDAs teammates received to vote for Satan's bill), confirmed suspicions of state infiltration.
The fallout was immediate, with Otero facing severe backlash on social media.

The Government's Arrogant Response
As if running a victory lap in the wake of this cluster-fuck,, the arrogance of the Ruto government entered top gear. Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen's proposal for a Lifestyle Audit Bill, ostensibly to address concerns about public officials living beyond their means, was seen as a blatant distraction. This proposal was met with derision, as Kenyans saw through the façade.

Moreover, President Ruto's announcement of the formation of a "taskforce" during the X Space to apparently audit public debt was swiftly condemned by the Law Society of Kenya. LSK President Faith Odhiambo labelled the taskforce unconstitutional, asserting that the mandate to audit public debt rests solely with the Office of the Auditor General.
The Resilience of the Movement
Despite these setbacks, the movement is far from dead. The focus has now shifted to the #SabaSabaMarchForOurLives slated for Sunday the 7th of July and the #14daysOfFocus campaigns. From 5th to 20th July 2024, these initiatives aim to galvanise public support and maintain pressure on Ruto's government.

The campaigns commemorate the sacrifices made by activists, with 41 dead and 380 injured in the struggle for better governance and accountability. The movement's leaders call for a relentless focus on their primary enemy, President William Ruto, and demand the establishment of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

A Call to Action
The #RutoMustGo movement, while temporarily hindered, continues to evolve. The resolve of Kenya’s youth remains unbroken, despite the government's efforts to suppress their voices. As the nation braces for the upcoming #SabaSabaMarchForOurLives, it is clear that the struggle for justice and accountability is far from over.

Amandla* is a South African rallying call used by the Zulu against the apartheid regime. The fight of Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu** continues in Kenya!
Once again, Kenya stands at a crossroads, and the actions of its youth will determine the nation's future. The call to action is clear: remain vigilant, resist manipulation, and continue the fight for a just and accountable government. The battle is not over, and the spirit of resistance remains strong.

ALUTA CONTINUA, VICTORIA ASCERTA! The struggle continues. Together, we are strong!

Action Points for the Movement:
  • #IEBCTuesdays: Occupy all IEBC offices and MPs' offices until the IEBC is in place.
  • #RutoThursdays: Occupy all major highways, march, and sit down in protest.
Never forget, the ultimate fate of traitors is clear. The movement remains tribe-less, party-less, and leaderless, united in its singular aim: to hold the Ruto government accountable.

References to Note:
*Amandla: A South African term used during the apartheid era, symbolising power and resistance.

**Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu: A symbol of anti-Apartheid resistance whose spirit continues to inspire activists in Kenya.
Kenya's future depends on the unyielding spirit of its youth. The fight for justice and accountability must go on, with a renewed focus and unwavering determination.


Guys, forgive Osama...he's found Jesus 😅


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