In a stunning display of ironic ineptitude that could only be scripted by reality itself, Molo Member of Parliament and Chairman of the Parliamentary Budget Committee, Kuria Kimani, on Sunday found himself at the centre of a scandal that has set tongues wagging across Kenya.
As the nation grapples with the controversial Finance Bill 2024, Kimani decided to contribute to the debate in a most unconventional manner: by showing up to a public meeting, ostensibly discussing the alcohol menace in his constituency, drunk as a skunk at a cider festival.
Yes, you read that correctly. The man responsible for shepherding the Finance Bill, which has sparked nationwide protests and vehement opposition, appeared so drunk at a public forum that he had to be physically supported to his seat before being discreetly ushered away. NTV captured the catastrophe more pithily:
This spectacle has left many Kenyans shaking their heads and wondering if their legislative process is, quite literally, under the influence.
The internet, with its unforgiving memory, has not let Kimani off lightly.
Videos and memes of the incident have flooded social media, painting the picture of a man who might have been tippling while drafting what some have dubbed 'Satan's Bill'. One can't help but wonder if the more bewildering provisions of the Finance Bill 2024–such as the proposed levies on basic goods and services–were the product of a particularly tipsy afternoon.
Kimani's Bizarre JustificationAppearing on Citizen TV's Daybreak program earlier today, Kimani, acting as though Sunday had just not happened a few hours before, had the gall to suggest that the nation's youth, who have been leading the charge against the Finance Bill, need "guidance" on the legislative process. "Let us give credit to where Gen Z has taken us," he said, his words dripping with condescension. "They are raising very pertinent matters but we need to guide them on how that needs to be done in the budget-making and legislative process."
One might argue that before offering guidance, Kimani himself might benefit from some sobering advice on public conduct and the responsibilities of his office. His attempt to shift blame to the opposition Azimio La Umoja coalition, accusing them of riding on the youth’s push against the Bill, comes off as a desperate deflection from his own embarrassing behaviour.
The Outcry Against the Finance BillThe Finance Bill 2024, now commonly referred to as 'Satan's Bill', has faced fierce opposition across the country.
Kimani's drunken escapade serves as a sobering reminder of the disconnect between the country's leadership and its citizens. Here we have an MP, entrusted with one of the most critical aspects of governance–the national budget–seemingly unable to maintain the decorum expected of his office. It is no wonder that the populace is sceptical of the intentions behind the Finance Bill when its chief architect can't even show up to a meeting he convened in a coherent state.
As the nation watches, the saga of Kuria Kimani will undoubtedly be remembered as a moment of comic relief in an otherwise tense political climate. But it also underscores a more serious issue: the urgent need for accountability and genuine representation in Kenyan politics. The citizens, especially the youth, have made it clear that they will not be silenced or placated by hollow words and inebriated lawmakers.
So, as the protests swell into a harmonious crescendo and the calls for justice grow louder, one can't help but think that perhaps, just perhaps, it's time for the government to take a hard look at its actions – and its sobriety. After all, a nation’s future should not be drafted under the influence.
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