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How The Government of Kenya is Spying on Your Phone: An Urgent Exposé of State Surveillance

During the recent Gen Z-led protests that shook William Ruto personally and his administration to its very core, many Kenyans found themselves asking a chilling question: How did the police track them down so easily, even in the supposed safety of their homes? Scores of activists and protesters were abducted, many never to be seen again. Suspicion quickly fell on Safaricom and Kenya Power, accused of handing over personal information to a rogue state. But the truth may be even more disturbing—and far simpler than most would imagine... In a revelation that will shock every Kenyan, your private communications—phone calls, texts, and even your physical location—is being monitored without your knowledge. The Kenyan government has been accused of engaging in widespread surveillance of its citizens, using sophisticated tools provided by Israeli cyber-espionage firm Circles. This disturbing information was uncovered in a damning report by Citizen Lab, a digital rights watchdog based at the Un

Ruto Must Go: The Revolution Is Being Televised As Kenyans Rise Against Ruto's Misgovernance

The Betrayal of the HustlersThe disillusionment among Ruto's base—the hustlers—is stark. These are the individuals who believed in his promises of economic empowerment and upliftment. Instead, they find themselves bearing the brunt of his economic policies, feeling used and discarded.

As Kenya stands on the precipice of unprecedented turmoil, the disenchantment of its citizens is palpable.

The Finance Bill 2024, which might just turn out to be William Ruto's Achilles' heel, has acted as a catalyst, igniting the simmering frustration and despair of millions.

The once-promising "hustler" narrative, championed by President William Ruto, has turned into a bitter pill for the very people who propelled him to power. This brewing revolution is a testament to their collective ire, a movement that is gaining momentum and is being televised for the world to witness.

The Catalyst: Finance Bill 2024
The Finance Bill 2024 has been widely criticised for its draconian measures, including steep taxes on essential goods and services. These provisions are perceived as an assault on the already strained livelihoods of ordinary Kenyans. The bill disproportionately burdens the lower and middle classes, exacerbating the economic hardships they face daily. The government's insistence on pushing this bill through Parliament, despite widespread opposition, has only fuelled the public's anger.

A Lone Hustler's Defiance
It began with a single act of defiance. A brave but disgruntled hustler broke through the security cordon surrounding National Treasury Cabinet Secretary Njunguna Ndung'u.

During a photo op outside the Treasury building, this lone protester shouted, "Ruto must go," disrupting the serene facade of the event. This act of bravery occurred ahead of Ndung'u's tabling of the Sh3.92 trillion budget in Parliament, Ruto's second since taking office. This moment marked the first trumpet of what could escalate into a full-blown revolution.

The hustler narrative has turned into a bitter reminder of broken promises and unfulfilled aspirations. They are irate, disillusioned, and increasingly vocal about their plight.

Voices of the Discontented
One poignant letter from a hustler posted online encapsulates the sentiments of many. Addressed to President Ruto, it reads:

Good evening, Mr. Ruto,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to you as a concerned citizen of Kenya who is deeply troubled by the current taxes and the potential for even greater burden with the Finance Bill 2024.

It is unfortunate that you campaigned on a platform advocating for the hustlers, yet now, we, the real hustlers, are suffering. Why deceive us? Why did you make false promises? Why are you overtaxing us? Where do you expect us to go? Should we leave Kenya? Do you want us to die from depression and starvation?

You mentioned that you come from a humble background. Imagine if you were in my shoes—how would you feel? It is truly unfortunate that our voices may never be heard, but I can tell you this: Tumewachia Mungu.

Please consider our plight and take action to alleviate our suffering.

Isaac Otwoma

The Inevitable Unrest
As discontent grows, so does the inevitability of widespread unrest. The scenes of protests and defiance, such as the lone hustler's act of bravery, are likely to become more frequent.

The public is not just hungry; they are angry, jobless, and desperate. These are the conditions that fuel revolutions. Let Ruto's government joke with a hungry population at its peril.

A Nation on the Brink
Kenya's political landscape is poised for significant upheaval. The government's response to this mounting pressure will determine the nation's future trajectory. Will they heed the call for economic relief and accountability, or will they continue down a path that alienates and antagonises their citizens? The stakes have never been higher, and the consequences of inaction could be dire.

The Call for Change
The message from the streets is unequivocal: Kenyans demand change. The revolution is not just a reaction to the Finance Bill 2024; it is a response to years of perceived misgovernance and neglect. The hustlers, once hopeful and full of aspirations, are now leading the charge for accountability and justice. This revolution is a clarion call for a government that truly represents and serves its people.

The Dawn of a New Era?
As the embers of revolution glow brighter, Kenya stands at a crossroads. The disillusioned hustlers and the broader populace are demanding a government that listens, understands, and acts in their best interests. The days of complacency are over.

The revolution has begun, and it is being televised. The world watches as Kenya's citizens rise, united in their quest for a better future. The first trumpet has sounded; it remains to be seen whether this will be the beginning of a new dawn or the prelude to further turmoil.

Misgovernance refers to the poor, ineffective, or corrupt management and administration of public affairs and government responsibilities. It encompasses actions or policies that result in mismanagement, lack of transparency, accountability failures, and decisions that harm the public interest. Misgovernance often leads to economic instability, social injustice, and a general decline in the quality of life for citizens.


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