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How The Government of Kenya is Spying on Your Phone: An Urgent Exposé of State Surveillance

During the recent Gen Z-led protests that shook William Ruto personally and his administration to its very core, many Kenyans found themselves asking a chilling question: How did the police track them down so easily, even in the supposed safety of their homes? Scores of activists and protesters were abducted, many never to be seen again. Suspicion quickly fell on Safaricom and Kenya Power, accused of handing over personal information to a rogue state. But the truth may be even more disturbing—and far simpler than most would imagine... In a revelation that will shock every Kenyan, your private communications—phone calls, texts, and even your physical location—is being monitored without your knowledge. The Kenyan government has been accused of engaging in widespread surveillance of its citizens, using sophisticated tools provided by Israeli cyber-espionage firm Circles. This disturbing information was uncovered in a damning report by Citizen Lab, a digital rights watchdog based at the Un

"No More Talking—Just Act!": Senator Crystal Asige Unleashes a Devastating Attack on William Ruto

In a fiery and impassioned address on the Senate floor, Senator Crystal Asige delivered a powerful critique of President William Ruto's administration, reflecting the mounting frustrations of Kenya's youth. Her speech, laden with a sense of urgency and righteous indignation, encapsulated the sentiments of a generation that feels betrayed and unheard.

"You will never convince our generation that you can ever be trusted, ever again," Senator Asige began, her voice resolute. "When young people marched patriotically, wearing Kenyan flags on their backs and raising their voices, you responded with bullets and death. And NOW you have supposedly ‘heard’ and want dialogue? For 20 months you have been speaking, it’s our time now."
Senator Asige's words resonate deeply with the youth-led #RejectFinanceBill2024 movement, which has now evolved into the #7DaysOfJustice campaign.
The protests, originally sparked by opposition to the Finance Bill, have grown into a broader call for governmental accountability and sweeping political reform. The senator's speech underscored the protesters' demand for immediate, tangible action rather than empty promises and bureaucratic delays.

"No more commissions of enquiry, no more multisectoral taskforces; no more reports, no more diverting our attention. If you have heard us, then no more talking—just act," Asige declared. "We want to wake up in the morning with budget allocations reworked, with the Appropriations Bill overhauled, your MPs sacked, your Cabinet Secretaries sacked, the wheels of Constitutional amendments to begin turning, and your resignation on Gen-Z's desk for them to decide whether to accept."
Her remarks highlight the deep-seated disillusionment with the Ruto administration's response to the protests. The youth demand substantial changes, including reworking budget allocations, overhauling the Appropriations Bill, and sacking corrupt officials. Senator Asige's call for President Ruto's resignation reflects the movement's belief that only significant political change will address their grievances.

"This will go down in history, and we are no longer in an era where history can be manipulated. #RutoMustGo," Asige concluded, her statement serving as a rallying cry for the youth and a stark warning to the government.

Senator Crystal Asige's speech is a poignant reminder of the power and determination of Kenya's youth. As the protests continue to evolve, it is clear that the call for justice and reform will not be silenced. The government's response in the coming days will be crucial in determining the nation's path forward.


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