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How The Government of Kenya is Spying on Your Phone: An Urgent Exposé of State Surveillance

During the recent Gen Z-led protests that shook William Ruto personally and his administration to its very core, many Kenyans found themselves asking a chilling question: How did the police track them down so easily, even in the supposed safety of their homes? Scores of activists and protesters were abducted, many never to be seen again. Suspicion quickly fell on Safaricom and Kenya Power, accused of handing over personal information to a rogue state. But the truth may be even more disturbing—and far simpler than most would imagine... In a revelation that will shock every Kenyan, your private communications—phone calls, texts, and even your physical location—is being monitored without your knowledge. The Kenyan government has been accused of engaging in widespread surveillance of its citizens, using sophisticated tools provided by Israeli cyber-espionage firm Circles. This disturbing information was uncovered in a damning report by Citizen Lab, a digital rights watchdog based at the Un

UPDATE: The Campaign To Expose Phone Contacts To Pressure Supporters of Finance Bill 2024 Is Working — UDA MPs On the Run from Their Own Phones!

National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wah, otherwise known as Muka wa Ruto, is currently under siege, inundated with messages over the Finance Bill 2024.
“I can't count the messages." Ichung'wah confessed. "I've blocked WhatsApp so I cannot join any group. I rarely read my WhatsApp messages. Those that have sent messages need to know that I cannot read them." (Saturday Nation, June 15, 2024, page 6, column 4, paragraphs 8-9.)
The campaign is working, and the pressure is bearing, people! Don’t relent now!
And then there's the BIG DATE for next Tuesday..

Mambo ni matatu:
1. A massive 10-million Kenyans peaceful protest outside Parliament against the Finance Bill 2024 on Tuesday 18th June, 2024.

2. Every MP who will vote YES will be receiving an SMS and calls saying “Tutapane 2027!" 

3. We will be massively unfollowing, across all social media platforms, every MP who votes YES to the Finance Bill 2024.


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